BlackWing Games Apps

Space Runner! 1.0.1
After the zombie apocalypse ruined everysinglehabitable place on Earth, the Global Alliance decided toseek hopein the outer space. Many ships were sent, but none everreturned.Apollo, one of the crew member of Humanity's last hope,found anunexpected turn of events when they found out that all themissingships and astronauts had gone mad and became zombies. Nowhim, theonly survivor, shall find a way to escape this hell and goback toEarth, bringing sad, but revealing news to your kind.Features:• Jump, fly, and shoot your way though the Zombies in thisamazingSpace Runner.• Find the balance between your resources, Oxygen and Fuel inorderto survive the journey.• Enjoy the thrill and danger from being in the outer space, suchasMeteor showers and Aliens.• Run for it and Save Apollo by building a Spaceship boughtfromAliens.• Fight your friends and the rest of the world for thebestScore!.• Keep the joy and fun with 10 challenging achievements.